repeat statement




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1·Listing 11. repeat statement example.
清单11 . repeat语句示例。
2·Select only certain records using XPath in a repeat statement
在 repeat 语句中使用 XPath 选取特定的记录
3·The XPath statement in the nodeset attribute of the repeat element defines which Info elements display within the repeat statement.
repeat 元素 nodeset 属性中的 XPath 语句指定了要在 repeat 语句中显示的 Info 元素。
4·The REPEAT statement defines a set of statements to be executed until a condition that is evaluated at the end of the REPEAT loop is true.
REPEAT 语句定义了一个语句集合,如果在 REPEAT 循环结束时某个条件的求值结果为 true,那么就将执行这个语句集合。
5·The Dutch Antennae Agency issued a statement further clarifying, “The researcher from Wageningen University indicates that these are initial results and that has not been confirmed in a repeat survey.
对此,荷兰天线机构(Dutch Antennae Agency)发表了一则声明,做了进一步的澄清,“瓦赫宁根大学的研究人员表示这些只是初步研究结果,还未在二次研究中得到证实。
6·Women probably do the same things. And before you read I want to repeat that statement: all the reasons below can be reversed for why women cheat.
7·There are instances in which global variables are resolved when a statement is processed, and the database manager must be able to repeat this resolution. This is true in
8·If he replies with a statement, repeat what he said and wait for him to elaborate.
更新时间:2025-02-23 00:01